Thursday, October 29, 2020

The API Economy: Resources for Programming the Web The API...

The API Economy: Resources for Programming the Web

The API economy is an effective way to leverage the possibility of programming the Web. The definition of this practice is relatively simple: API Economy (sometimes known as API-driven economy) simply refers to the exchange of value between consumers and providers through APIs. An application

Check out the full version of the post at:
You will find more information about that as part as a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

Title: The API Economy: Resources for Programming the Web

This article can be categorized as follow: Economics, Programming, Tutorial, Uncategorized

Relevant keywords includes: API, API Economy, APIs, Design API, REST, SDK, SOAP

Tags as hashtags #API, #APIEconomy, #APIs, #DesignAPI, #REST, #SDK, #SOAP

categories as hashtags #Economics, #Programming, #Tutorial, #Uncategorized

Published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and more

Announce: The API economy is an effective way to leverage the possibility of programming the Web. The definition of this practice is relatively simple: API Economy (sometimes known as API-driven economy) simply refers to the exchange of value between consumers and providers through APIs. An application

RawExcerpt: The API economy is an effective way to leverage the possibility of programming the Web. The definition of this practice is relatively simple: API Economy (sometimes known as API-driven economy) simply refers to the exchange of value between consumers and providers through APIs. An application programming interface (or API) is a computing interface which defines…

Excerpt: The API economy is an effective way to leverage the possibility of programming the Web. The definition of this practice is relatively simple: API Economy (sometimes known as API-driven economy) simply refers to the exchange of value between consumers and providers through APIs. An application programming interface (or API) is a computing interface which defines…

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

On Scientific Writing: Classic, Postmodern, and Self-Conscious...

On Scientific Writing: Classic, Postmodern, and Self-Conscious Style

This is a short preview of the article:
Let’s talk about scientific writing. The need to master this skill in a thesis or a scientific paper is pretty much self-explanatory. Mastering writing is mastering an effective technique for communicating what you would like to share with your supervisor(s), all the people involved in your

If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: On Scientific Writing: Classic, Postmodern, and Self-Conscious Style

If you are looking for ideas for tweet or re-blog this post you may want to consider the following hashtags:

  • Hashtags: #Classic, #Postmodern, #ScientificResearch, #ScientificWriting, #Writing, #WritingStyle
  • The Hashtags of the Categories are: #Generic, #Tutorial

On Scientific Writing: Classic, Postmodern, and Self-Conscious Style is available at the following link:
You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

The title of the full article is: On Scientific Writing: Classic, Postmodern, and Self-Conscious Style

It belong to the following categories: Generic, Tutorial

The most relevant keywords are: Classic, Postmodern, scientific research, scientific writing, writing, writing style

It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions

Let’s talk about scientific writing. The need to master this skill in a thesis or a scientific paper is pretty much self-explanatory. Mastering writing is mastering an effective technique for communicating what you would like to share with your supervisor(s), all the people involved in your

Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey

Let’s talk about scientific writing. The need to master this skill in a thesis or a scientific paper is pretty much self-explanatory. Mastering writing is mastering an effective technique for communicating what you would like to share with your supervisor(s), all the people involved in your thesis, and fellow members of the scientific community. In…

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Monday, October 26, 2020

Introduction to Computer Networks and How Internet Works This...

Introduction to Computer Networks and How Internet Works

This is a short preview of the article:
In this article I would like to provide a (small) introduction to computer networks and the necessary infrastructure for them to operate well. In a nutshell, it is all about connecting client applications to servers. A server is a computer or a computer program which manages access to a

If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: Introduction to Computer Networks and How Internet Works

If you are looking for ideas for tweet or re-blog this post you may want to consider the following hashtags:

  • Hashtags: #ApplicationServer, #Extranet, #Firewall, #Internet, #Intranet, #IP, #LAN, #LocalAreaNetwork, #Packets, #Proxy, #Router, #TCPIP, #UDPIP, #URL, #WebServer, #WebService
  • The Hashtags of the Categories are: #Generic, #Tutorial

Introduction to Computer Networks and How Internet Works is available at the following link:
You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

The title of the full article is: Introduction to Computer Networks and How Internet Works

It belong to the following categories: Generic, Tutorial

The most relevant keywords are: application server, extranet, Firewall, internet, intranet, IP, LAN, Local Area Network, Packets, Proxy, Router, TCP/IP, UDP/IP, URL, web server, web service

It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions

In this article I would like to provide a (small) introduction to computer networks and the necessary infrastructure for them to operate well. In a nutshell, it is all about connecting client applications to servers. A server is a computer or a computer program which manages access to a

Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey

In this article I would like to provide a (small) introduction to computer networks and the necessary infrastructure for them to operate well. In a nutshell, it is all about connecting client applications to servers. A server is a computer or a computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a…

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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Introduction to Databases and How We Store Information in...

Introduction to Databases and How We Store Information in Computers

This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from

Check out the full version of the post at:
You will find more information about that as part as a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

Title: Introduction to Databases and How We Store Information in Computers

This article can be categorized as follow: Programming, Tutorial

Relevant keywords includes: Databases, Flat Databases, Introduction, non-relational databases, relational databases, SQL, SQL Databases

Tags as hashtags #Databases, #FlatDatabases, #Introduction, #NonRelationalDatabases, #RelationalDatabases, #SQL, #SQLDatabases

categories as hashtags #Programming, #Tutorial

Published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and more

Announce: This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from

RawExcerpt: This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. The databases that are more…

Excerpt: This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. The databases that are more…

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Introduction to Databases and How We Store Information in...

Introduction to Databases and How We Store Information in Computers

This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from

Check out the full version of the post at:
You will find more information about that as part as a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

Title: Introduction to Databases and How We Store Information in Computers

This article can be categorized as follow: Programming, Tutorial

Relevant keywords includes: Databases, Flat Databases, Introduction, non-relational databases, relational databases, SQL, SQL Databases

Tags as hashtags #Databases, #FlatDatabases, #Introduction, #NonRelationalDatabases, #RelationalDatabases, #SQL, #SQLDatabases

categories as hashtags #Programming, #Tutorial

Published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and more

Announce: This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from

RawExcerpt: This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. The databases that are more…

Excerpt: This article is just a small introduction to databases that hopefully will help you in getting familiar with the topic. It is deliberately simple and intends to provide an overview of the domain. A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system. The databases that are more…

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

A collection of articles for learning the basic of Neural...

A collection of articles for learning the basic of Neural networks 

The basic concepts of neural networks taking a do it by yourself approach. More specifically the students will learn how a neural network is a structured as a collection of perceptron forming multiple layers.  These systems can be trained using backpropagation and gradient descent techniques. Neural network examples will be implemented in python without the need of particular libraries.

We define Artificial Intelligence (in short AI) as the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Artificial Intelligence Applications

Perceprons are the basic building block of neural networks. In short, they are algorithms for supervised learning of binary classifiers. A binary classifier is a function which can decide whether or not an input, represented by a vector of numbers, belongs to some specific class
What is a Perceptron

Image recognition is a classical example where neural networks are used; in particular they learn to identify images that contain dogs by analyzing example images that have been manually categorized (labelled) as “dog” or “no dog”. Once the system “learn” the difference it can be used for identifying dogs in other images.
The Basic of a Neural Network

Gradient descent is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm for finding a local minimum of a differentiable function. To find a local minimum of a function using gradient descent, we take steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (or approximate gradient) of the function at the current point.
Gradient Descent and Cost Functions

In machine learning, backpropagation is a widely used algorithm in training feedforward neural networks for supervised learning. Generalizations of backpropagation exist for other artificial neural networks, and for functions generally – a class of algorithms referred to generically as “backpropagation”.

More on Back-propagation and practical aspects of AI

Genetic Algorithms is a technique for optimizing a particular model that is inspired by biological evolution theories. When we design a neural network we usually make a lot of assumption on its characteristics such as, for example, type of activation of the neurons, hidden layers, type of connections, way of back-propagate the feedback etc. As these aspects could be considered features of a particular network, a genetic algorithm approach could help in finding the optimal configuration of these parameters.

Introduction to Genetic Algorithms and more practical aspects of AI

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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Can You Use the Internet of Things to Fight Addiction? This is...

Can You Use the Internet of Things to Fight Addiction?

This is a short preview of the article:
Over the last two decades, there have been significant technological advancements that have impacted how we perform various functions, including travel, shopping, education, and health. A significant health concern is addiction, a brain disease that can affect anyone.  The most severe

If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: Can You Use the Internet of Things to Fight Addiction?

If you are looking for ideas for tweet or re-blog this post you may want to consider the following hashtags:

  • Hashtags: #Addiction, #IoT, #PatrickBailey
  • The Hashtags of the Categories are: #Generic, #GuestPost, #InternetofThings

Can You Use the Internet of Things to Fight Addiction? is available at the following link:
You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

The title of the full article is: Can You Use the Internet of Things to Fight Addiction?

It belong to the following categories: Generic, Guest Post, Internet of Things

The most relevant keywords are: Addiction, IoT, Patrick Bailey

It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions

Over the last two decades, there have been significant technological advancements that have impacted how we perform various functions, including travel, shopping, education, and health. A significant health concern is addiction, a brain disease that can affect anyone.  The most severe

Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey

Over the last two decades, there have been significant technological advancements that have impacted how we perform various functions, including travel, shopping, education, and health. A significant health concern is addiction, a brain disease that can affect anyone.  The most severe form of substance use disorder (SUD), addiction manifests as a compulsion for a substance…

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Related Work/Literature Review/Survey Paper: A Collection of...

Related Work/Literature Review/Survey Paper: A Collection of Resources

This is a short preview of the article:
A scientific literature review (sometimes also called related work or survey paper) is an integral part of: Writing scientific papers Writing position reports in a non-academic job Writing your Bachelor/Master/PhD thesis Here, you will find a collection of resources that should help you

If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: Related Work/Literature Review/Survey Paper: A Collection of Resources

If you are looking for ideas for tweet or re-blog this post you may want to consider the following hashtags:

  • Hashtags: #DescriptionSurveys, #LiteratureReview, #RelatedWork, #SelectingScientificWorks, #SurveyPaper
  • The Hashtags of the Categories are: #Thesis, #Tutorial

Related Work/Literature Review/Survey Paper: A Collection of Resources is available at the following link:
You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

The title of the full article is: Related Work/Literature Review/Survey Paper: A Collection of Resources

It belong to the following categories: Thesis, Tutorial

The most relevant keywords are: Description surveys, Literature Review, Related Work, selecting scientific works, Survey Paper

It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions

A scientific literature review (sometimes also called related work or survey paper) is an integral part of: Writing scientific papers Writing position reports in a non-academic job Writing your Bachelor/Master/PhD thesis Here, you will find a collection of resources that should help you

Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey

A scientific literature review (sometimes also called related work or survey paper) is an integral part of: Writing scientific papers Writing position reports in a non-academic job Writing your Bachelor/Master/PhD thesis Here, you will find a collection of resources that should help you in addressing your scholarly needs. Not All Publications Are Equal Yes, quality…

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Friday, October 9, 2020

European Factory Platform (EFPF): €2.5 million for Industry 4.0...

European Factory Platform (EFPF): €2.5 million for Industry 4.0 Initiatives

This is a short preview of the article:
The European Factory Platform (EFPF) project team invites you to submit a bid for a share of EFPF’s €2.5million EC H2020 Open Call. European SMEs, software developers, tech companies and manufacturers can be funded to create, test, validate and/or integrate innovative tools / services / app

If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: European Factory Platform (EFPF): €2.5 million for Industry 4.0 Initiatives

If you are looking for ideas for tweet or re-blog this post you may want to consider the following hashtags:

  • Hashtags: #Industry40, #InnovativeApplications, #InnovativeServices, #InnovativeSolutions, #InnovativeTools, #PlatformsForIndustry40
  • The Hashtags of the Categories are: #CloudComputing, #InternetofThings, #Job

European Factory Platform (EFPF): €2.5 million for Industry 4.0 Initiatives is available at the following link:
You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

The title of the full article is: European Factory Platform (EFPF): €2.5 million for Industry 4.0 Initiatives

It belong to the following categories: Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Job

The most relevant keywords are: Industry 4.0, innovative applications, innovative services, innovative solutions, innovative tools, platforms for Industry 4.0

It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions

The European Factory Platform (EFPF) project team invites you to submit a bid for a share of EFPF’s €2.5million EC H2020 Open Call. European SMEs, software developers, tech companies and manufacturers can be funded to create, test, validate and/or integrate innovative tools / services / app

Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey

The European Factory Platform (EFPF) project team invites you to submit a bid for a share of EFPF’s €2.5million EC H2020 Open Call. European SMEs, software developers, tech companies and manufacturers can be funded to create, test, validate and/or integrate innovative tools / services / applications / solutions / platforms for Industry 4.0. The key…

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